Monday, September 20, 2010

The L-B-D

The dress that everyone has, the little black dress. Its become such a staple in my wardrobe, and probably many others as well, that sometimes it becomes boring or not very original. So here's my advice for everyone to make their little black dress a little more exciting.

Layers, such as the ones above by All Saints and Religion respectively, will make your dress much more interesting and draw the eye. Go for uneven layers, bunching, and asymmetrical shoulders...Go wild with them! 


You don't always have to make your little black dress actually be just all black. Throw some eye-popping color or colors in there, like these Forever Unique dresses. Do note though that don't overdo it with the color, and besides the splash of color with a possible equally eye-popping design, try to keep it mostly simple.

 Cut-outs are becoming quite popular and you don’t have to be excessive with them. Throw in a few interesting straps like this stunning Aqua dress and you’re good to go!

All these dresses I found on ASOS online store, so if you want splurge a little bit be my guest, but some of these ideas you can probably use to do it yourself on a little black dress you may already own. 


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