Tuesday, September 21, 2010

DIY Mohawk Hat

Melissa and I had a DIY night the other night, sitting around watching Glee and working on various projects. I had found this Dior winter hat online over a year ago, and wanted one for my very own.

But, of course I would never pay money for one. So, I found a standard stocking cap hat, and got some matching yarn, and made my own.

Forgive the goofy smile.

This is what you need. Hat. Yarn. Large, blunted needle thing. Or some derivation of it. I know that tool has a name, but I just don't know what it is. Just something to thread the yarn through the hat with.

Take the yarn in from the outside, leaving a tail on the outside that is the length of the mohawk that you want. This will be your guide for creating the loops to come.

Now, you bring the yarn back from the inside, and leave a loop the length of your original string.
Then, you keep going until you have nine or ten loops, or have used up your length of yarn. Then, wrap the ends you have left around the loops at the base, creating a poof. Then cut another length of yarn and move on down the line.

Continue until you have a mohawk of desired length.

Then you snip all the loops in half so that they are individual strings.

Then rock your fabulous new mohawk hat.



  1. i love this. it reminds me of Puck. cooler with the mohawk. of course you dont really need the hat to be fabulous.
