Friday, July 16, 2010

Introductions continued...again...

Hellos everyone, Melissa present (finally) - 

In high school I was the person who wore very worn in jeans, one of my cross country or track tee shirts, tennis shoes, and  a pull over hoodie everyday. Fashion was not really my thing, I was too busy running all the time. Sure I would dress up for school dances, but that was one of those "special occasion" deals. 

Recently fashion and I have become friends, though I do fall back on my jeans and hoodie days when I'm lounging around at home or having an off day. I lean towards simple with dark colors or edgy enough to be interesting, but thats not to say that I don't sometimes mess around with other styles. 

I'm a huge fan of DIY's and when I finally get my hands on some studs and clothing should fear me. I also want to slash the crap out of my shirts for some reason, though I've held back so far. 

As for my non-fashion life, I'm majoring in Psychology and if everything is on track will be done in a year. My down time shows how much of a dork and or nerd I can be since I'm a huge gamer, especially role-playing games like Final Fantasy. I also read quite a bit, fence, like to run, am a huge movie buff, and wish to travel. Well, that's all for now.


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